
Descriptions of the Settings panel

  1. Display Name - Toggle an optional display name to show on the LoomieLive output. Toggle ON, and select the text field to enter a name.

  2. Choose your Microphone - Select the audio input.

  3. Choose your Camera - Select the video input.

  4. Video and AR Mode - Enables the Video and AR mode buttons. On older hardware this is turned off by default, but you can enable it (and we recommend a lower Quality Setting).

  5. Camera Preview - When this is on, in Video Mode, you will see both the full-body Loomie and also an inset video of yourself. Useful for demos, and sometimes a pleasant way to be partially-present in a chat.

  6. Spotlight Mode - Toggle the spotlight privacy window when in AR Mode.

  7. Mirror My Video - Flip your output video horizontally in your video conferencing application.

  8. Eye Tracking - Toggle to turn on eye tracking. With this option on, you can wink, blink, and express with your eyes when in Video Mode and AR Mode.

  9. Auto-Detect Laughter - Toggle your to avatar laugh when you laugh. This is an experimental feature.

  10. Gesture Strength - Scale the strength of the animations applied to the avatar.

  11. Quality Setting - Change the quality of the rendering. Higher quality will look better but consume more power.

LoomieLive works best with a discrete graphics card (non-integrated GPU). If your computer is older, or only has an integrated graphics card, consider lowering the Quality Setting in the Settings panel for better overall performance.

Last updated